Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just added a new link to the section "Worth Visiting".

It's a link to a blogger called Peggy. Out of the countless number of blogs I've read, I thought hers was the most interesting, graphically rich (lotsa fotos) and most importantly, filled with plenty of sincerity, simply organic so to speak (Yu Sheng Et. al.). It's not like the kind of typical wannabe blogs that:

1) Post only glamour shots of themselves, some even resort to using photoshop. I got a shock when I saw Xuesha's real face in "S factor" for instance.

2) Showing off to the whole world what kind of lingerie they just purchased (I'm not complaining but normally you don't show off your undergarments to strangers do you?).

3) Elaborating with pictures the last fine dining meal they just enjoyed (Probably at the expense of some ah sia kia a.k.a. a person of prodigality)

4) Constant whining when partying is of utmost importance and worries seems to be the last item on their agendas.

There are of course other decent bloggers out there that do not fall under the above categories. I will add them in time to come, provided they pass my stringent criteria LOL. Ok just joking. I should be studying now, but I'm blogging instead. Obviously I can't concentrate on revisions for the final exam, and this has been the case for the past 3 days.

HELP! Hopefully the mugging spirit comes back to me soon.

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