Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hi guys, just a quick update over here. As follows:

Please do remember to vote for Rebecca for the Favourite Female Character for Star Awards 2010. To do so, please follow the following steps!

1) Click on this link -->
2) Select on the show "The Will"
3) Select the character 黄盈 (林慧玲) Huang Ying (Rebecca Lim)
4) Key in the code, and click on vote! The website will prompt for your name & IC. Click submit, and viola!

Voting is ONCE per day, so do remember and try to vote everyday!

Weekly updates of the current leading Top 10 will be updated every Thursday.

The current Top 10 Female Characters are: (NOT according to votes, but according to name of character)

1 方宋乔(范文芳) Fang Songqiao (Fann Wong) 双子星 The Ultimatum
2 黄丽萍 (陈靓瑄) Huang Liping (Felicia Chin) 添丁发财 Baby Bonus
3 林佳乐(刘芷绚) Lin Jiale (Jesseca Liu) 未来不是梦 The Dream-catchers
4 林佳琪(瑞恩) Lin Jiaqi (Rui En) 未来不是梦 The Dream-catchers
5 孙敏(陈靓瑄) Sun Min (Felicia Chin) 双子星 The Ultimatum
6 陶海桐(陈靓瑄) Tao Haitong (Felicia Chin) 心花朵朵开II Love Blossoms II
7 吴晓莉 (郑荔分)Wu Xiaoli (Michelle Tay) 一切完美2 Perfect Cut 2
8 姚剑虹(欧萱) Yao Jianhong (Jeanette Aw) 当我们同在一起 Together
9 叶予晨(郑惠玉) Ye Yuchen (Zoe Tay) 双子星 The Ultimatum
10 张洛芸(瑞恩) Zhang Luoyun (Rui En) 书包太重 My School Daze

Even in the event that Rebecca doesn't win, YOUR votes will allow Mediacorp to gauge the number of supporters that Rebecca has, hopefully granting her more prominent shows in the coming year!

Thank you for joining the fanpage, and thank you for your efforts in voting!

Yours sincerely,
Shi En (:

Would appreciate if you guys do help to vote as Rebecca is a really good and upcoming celebrity. Thanks a bunch people! =)


kc said...


Damian said...

do it everyday thanks!