年初一! Wore my new polo ralph shirt, new black jeans and new loafers! No new underwear coz Robinsons only have like XXL or XL and L left. -_-‘’’ The norm for chu yi is to visit mom’s side ist den dad’s side. Firstly we went to grandma house to bai nian. It’s so much nearer for us now coz she stays at marine parade now instead of the old circuit road. Had the usual stuff, vegetarian bee hoon, fried mee etc. After that went to gu kong’s place, also at marine parade. And then to jiu jiu’s place at sengkang.
Next stop was my dad’s side at da be’s place, also at sengkang. Stayed there for a while only though, coz chu er and chu san it will still be visiting at dad’s side. Last stop was sentosa cove, haha the place looks so familiar coz of the retreat last weekend. Buffet was slightly different this year as food stalls were set up along the walkway just beside the sea. Quite cool I thought, and not to forget the abundance of ’97 red wine. Damn good…
Most of the Marists were there though, bert with miko, weiqi, zhenhao, shiwei, daniel, mark and liying. Finally got a chance to see alex’s girlfriend mandy haha~ Can sing quite well though. Rebecca was there too, and it was quite funny seeing how obvious it was as desmond tried really hard to get into her good books. The highlight of the night was the ktv again muahahahaha. Even my bro was sabo-ed into singing a song.
2nd highlight of the night was when the marist cousins less alex got uber drunk and wasted. Daniel collapsed to the floor out of a sudden and had to be carried by us to the room upstairs. He vomited and yes..shitted @$(&@()#!@!@)_ Zh mark and bert helped wash him while weiqi and I had to juggle the ktv maniac lay shiwei in the living room. Daniel was motionless but shiwei was like high on estacy or something, singing non stop like a world tour concert. I reckon he sang a good 2-3 hours of ktv? Lolz! So what’s the moral of the story? Don’t drink too much with alex, he’s too good a drinker.
A pity non of the marists brought a camera along to capture the fun moments. Luckily rebecca and alex’s sis took some photos of us haha. I have been thinking of getting a camera, cheap one of coz. Have narrowed down my choice to canon ixus 70 which cost around $395. I need a camera but I need an ipod too, so which one should I get? If I get 2 I will be so broke. Or should I not get anything and save the money? Damn it. Freaking dilemma. Anyway kind mark sent me back home again. And that was my nian chu yi. =/ So fast over le…

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