Finally it’s Friday again. Went to work with much enthusiasm, knowing that it’s the last working day of the week Time seem to pass fairly quickly today. Come 1730 hours it’s time to knock off, and I left for Orchard to shop for Helene’s present. Afterwhich, met up with Yusheng and we went to his house to pick up his car, heading to Helene’s place shortly after that. It was a nice house, not the typical type of landed property as it was built on a slope rather than on a level ground. There was plenty of food, and got the chance to catch up with Levina, Jonathan and Vanessa. Levina seemed to have slim down a lot, damn I need to do the same too! Kind Yusheng offered me a ride back before sending his gf back. Having a car is so convenient. =(
Was using msn when the marist cousins jio-ed me over to sentosa cove to join them. Was rather reluctant at first coz it was late and the only way there is by cab. But I thought I should treasure and use my time in Singapore to its fullest. Almost immediately I started packing my stuff to last me for the weekend, and took a cab down to sentosa cove which cost a hefty $30+…Daniel was damn kind to pay for my cab fee, thanks bro! Finally got to meet up again with Shiwei (who was out of sg for almost a month of holidays) and Alex (came back from Ireland for a week of holiday). Damn it just feels good seeing your closest clique of friends. A solid place like sentosa cove only made things better.
We played mahjong (facing the sea fyi lol), had red wine (damn bloody good red wine) and chit chatted away. We felt a little hungry later but couldn’t drive out to eat coz of the alcohol. So we decided to have cup noodles, with something extra. Ah Yat abalone. LOL. According to Alex, one can cost around 1200HKD, which is around S$240. It is not sold in Singapore, and had to be bought from HK through the Ah Yat restaurant I think. There were 8 abalones in one can, so each of us ate 2! Muahahaha. Chit-chatted till about 5+am when all decided to hit the sack. Each of us was given a room by Alex and I will let the pictures do the talking.

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