Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008
Repeat of last saturday. Tennis at seletar country club after work, with rebecca and liying joining us this time round. The sun was reali scorching and I felt quite drained and lifeless after only playing for a while. Had drinks and snacks, then we went bowling. Quite fun coz it's been agees since I last bowled.
We had dinner at thomson plaza peach garden with sw's family. The food was very nice but I can tell rest didn't eat as much due to the snacks earlier on hahahah. Went sw house later for mahjong. Played one round, lost $4. Finished the 1st half of man u match, and zd sent me home. Thanks! Slept at 3+. SSDD. Same shit different day. Gonna wake up later for work again.
One word. Beat...

Friday, February 22, 2008
Half day at work today, went SGH to meet up with family, as both dad and bro have their medical appointment. Later on ade treated us to the dim sum buffet at yum cha Chinatown. Food there was not bad, just that some of the prc staff have real lousy attitude.
Went around to shop at Chinatown. Bro and ade bought this kite (no idea when and where are they gonna fly it), and mom tried this wishing basin thingy. Went to people’s audio to ask about digicams and eric recommended the casio exlim ex-s880. I still preferred the canon ixus 70 but according to him it’s not good at all. Argh dilemma… oh and I bought my Davidoff coolwater for only $21, from this shop which sells cheap daily necessities too. Didn’t have dinner, as the dim sum lasted all the way till I hit the sack. Full shit. Big belly. Fat. Feck!

Argh so exhausted this few days. Had less than 10 hours of sleep for the past 2 days or so I believe. Sleeping at 4+ and waking up at 7 can be quite tedious. But its worth it, I spend more time doing something instead of sleeping haha! Went to work at the clinic this morning and I felt really enthusiastic about it. Working at NEA must have bored me to the max, and I can msn in the clinic muahahhahahhaha! I can also work alongside my mom too!
Every Saturday after work, mom and I will go to san yee’s place for lunch. This time we had sliced fish noodles. Met up with mark sw and dan at seletar country club for tennis. After which we slacked at the bistro area till 6pm, which had a great view of the golf course and reservoir. Just next to us, sat a table filled with ah peks, guessed their just finished their golf. Daniel was wondering if m10mg would be like that 40 yrs down the road. I certainly hope so.
Had dinner with xy, j and marc at bugis. Headed to robertson’s quay to chill before the match started. We had drinks and played bridge at tcc (j’s a noob btw lol). It’s a nice place to just sit back and relax. Surprisingly robertson’s quay isn’t too crowded compared to the likes of clarke and boat quay. It’s a great place to watch soccer too, less the retarded arsenal fan in front of us. That’s my sat. 4 more to syd. Sad! zzzz.....
13th Feb ‘08
Work sucked so much recently. Not because I have loads of work to do, but the exact opposite. I have no work to do at all for some days, like today. Friends who knew my situation commented that isn’t it great to have no work at all, slack the day away and receive money. Yea no work is good in a way, but if I have no work, I have nothing to do at all. As in totally nothing at all and there is no internet for me to pass the time. So I have to open old excel files and pretend I’m working on them. I HATE IT!!! I was so frustrated that I asked to leave at 4pm. And TADA I’m home by 5pm.
Met up with marc, xy and j later in the night at wheelock starbucks. Had rochor bean curd after that, and left only after an uncle ‘chased’ us away coz we finished our food. Crappy service. Tomorrow’s vday, and it’s just gonna be another normal day for me. No plans planned. Why? I don’t know. I know I’m not going to work. Giving myself yet another day off. NEA can you just sack me?
Woke up late as usual, and slacked at home throughout. Met up with Marcus and intended to watch epl at his house. Ended up meeting xy and j again, and we went liquid kitchen at bukit timah to catch man utd against man city. I believed man u produced the worst performance of the season so far. So damn wasteful…90 mins seems like eternity to us.
After the match, we went to macs at king albert park. Xy and j ordered 20 pcs of nuggets, and marcus ordered a nugget meal, so there was like 26 nuggets in total. I’m nowhere near hungry but they seem to have such a great appetite. We headed home after the supper, and I already have intention of skipping work on Monday.

KILLER NUGGETS... Won't touch them for quite some time i think?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Seriously, I think I screwed up my body clock. When I woke up to the bright blue sky, I thought it must be damn late, like 1 or 2 pm. When I saw the time on my watch I got a shock, it was only 9am in the morning. So I slept like what, 2 hours only? WTF MAN! Freaky shit. I managed to fall asleep again at 11+, but the sleep was like another 2-3 hours only anyway.
Today’s visiting is at san gu’s place. Had lunch there and played mahjong too. Mahjong luck was exceptionally good today as I won around 10 bucks, playing 10, 20 cents only. There was a round whereby I man tai + zi mo ok! Muahahhahaha =x Had my dinner there too, and amer was kind to send me home after that.
The initial plans for tonight was ktv with marcus, terrence, xy and j. But somehow it was changed to prawn fishing somewhere in bishan. Muahahaha for 23 yrs of my life I haven’t tried prawning and it’s a little interesting actually, but it got a bit tiring in the end. We went hk café at east coast for supper, before we decided to call it a day.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
年初二! Went to er be house in the afternoon. Played some mahjong, had dinner and chitchatted with the cousins. The usual stuff. Marcus suggested hanging out later in the night. Terrence was on for it and this time round he has a car at his disposal, courtesy of his sister-in-law. We decided to chill at clarke quay as 2 of marcus’ friends will be coming too.
Terrence came over to my house to bai nian and pick me up. Poor dude as he langa-ed the car’s bumper onto one of the pillars in the carpark. Met up with marcus and we grabbed a quick bite at macs before heading to the Clinic. Treated them to a round of mocktails and a cocktail for myself when marcus’ friends arrived. Finally saw xinyan, and also her friend jerlyn. Soon we found ourselves in MOS, drowned in the sea of r&b and alcohol.
Received a sms from her asking if any of the gals were interested in me. Seriously it’s like what the feck. Nvm about that, say will let me know when you’re done. No news at all after that. I’m used to it already. Numb. Like what I put in my msn nick weeks ago, numb. Next morning you said you fell asleep with the msg unsent. Is sending a simple sms that hard? Or is it that it didn’t really matter? I seriously think it’s the latter. This is not the first time already. Our sms conversations can just stop suddenly, with you disappearing, to where I don’t know.
Got a little high that night. I didn’t drink exactly a lot though. Guessed it must be embarrassing. Seldom get high coz usually I’m the one who’s sober coz I gotta drive. Jerlyn said I walked into a glass door but I seriously don’t remember. Anyway, we went for supper at spize at river valley. Crowded as usual, ordered my fav ice teh-o limau and gradually I can feel the alcohol effect wearing off. After that terrence sent me back home, and by the time I finished bathing it’s almost 6am. Mom stood at my door staring at me, apparently quite annoyed by one of my late nights again. What was worse is that I had alcohol right after my medication, which she strongly disapproves of. Sorry mom! All in all, it was a superb day. I hung out with 2 of my bros, and made 2 more new friends. 2 very nice friends. Without friends, I will not survive this fecked up world.
年初一! Wore my new polo ralph shirt, new black jeans and new loafers! No new underwear coz Robinsons only have like XXL or XL and L left. -_-‘’’ The norm for chu yi is to visit mom’s side ist den dad’s side. Firstly we went to grandma house to bai nian. It’s so much nearer for us now coz she stays at marine parade now instead of the old circuit road. Had the usual stuff, vegetarian bee hoon, fried mee etc. After that went to gu kong’s place, also at marine parade. And then to jiu jiu’s place at sengkang.
Next stop was my dad’s side at da be’s place, also at sengkang. Stayed there for a while only though, coz chu er and chu san it will still be visiting at dad’s side. Last stop was sentosa cove, haha the place looks so familiar coz of the retreat last weekend. Buffet was slightly different this year as food stalls were set up along the walkway just beside the sea. Quite cool I thought, and not to forget the abundance of ’97 red wine. Damn good…
Most of the Marists were there though, bert with miko, weiqi, zhenhao, shiwei, daniel, mark and liying. Finally got a chance to see alex’s girlfriend mandy haha~ Can sing quite well though. Rebecca was there too, and it was quite funny seeing how obvious it was as desmond tried really hard to get into her good books. The highlight of the night was the ktv again muahahahaha. Even my bro was sabo-ed into singing a song.
2nd highlight of the night was when the marist cousins less alex got uber drunk and wasted. Daniel collapsed to the floor out of a sudden and had to be carried by us to the room upstairs. He vomited and yes..shitted @$(&@()#!@!@)_ Zh mark and bert helped wash him while weiqi and I had to juggle the ktv maniac lay shiwei in the living room. Daniel was motionless but shiwei was like high on estacy or something, singing non stop like a world tour concert. I reckon he sang a good 2-3 hours of ktv? Lolz! So what’s the moral of the story? Don’t drink too much with alex, he’s too good a drinker.
A pity non of the marists brought a camera along to capture the fun moments. Luckily rebecca and alex’s sis took some photos of us haha. I have been thinking of getting a camera, cheap one of coz. Have narrowed down my choice to canon ixus 70 which cost around $395. I need a camera but I need an ipod too, so which one should I get? If I get 2 I will be so broke. Or should I not get anything and save the money? Damn it. Freaking dilemma. Anyway kind mark sent me back home again. And that was my nian chu yi. =/ So fast over le…

6th Feb ‘08
Wore polo and jeans to work today. Great to know it’s only half day of work and indeed time passed extremely fast. Brought my tennis gear along coz was supposed to play tennis with Daniel and mark, but last min Daniel couldn’t make it due to some project. Stupid smu…Anway, I headed to pedro and got my beige loafers and went home after that.
Went to er be house for reunion dinner. Caught up with my cousins and relatives and there was quite a lot of food to eat. Didn’t eat much coz my jaw hurts and felt really sore, and my throat seemed to have grown thorns or something. What a bad time for this to occur. Gonna miss those cny goodies.
5th Feb ‘08
Bored at work, what’s new. If only I have access to internet and msn, I guess I won’t be complaining so much. Had dinner appointment with donna and kc at raffles city. I arrived earlier and shopped around for my cny stuff. Saw this beige colour sleeveless vest at Marks and Spencer at only S$35. Soon I was signing on the receipt already lolz. It was a perfect fit and the price’s reasonable so I thought why not.
Had our dinner at this marche style jap restaurant at the basement. Food was decent but not fantastic I thought. Saw my secondary school friend bochang there, great to know that he’s doing well. Later we went pedro to check out the loafers and then to coffee bean at millennia walk to chill. Was quite tired so took a cab back. Looking forward to reunion dinner.
1+pm. This time even more people came to wake me up lol. We had laksa and some noodles (tabao-ed from Bosses) for breakfast. Later we played blackjack, texas hold’em and in between, which I seem to inherit alex’s curse…damn it. I was so stressed that I dealed myself a card from another deck -_-. Super duper cock up. Anyway it’s great fun though, losing abit of money doesn’t matter to me I thought. Soon, it was time to say goodbye to cove.
Went back to cove and we did sauna and steam bath on the roof terrace. Really enjoying life at this point of time. I guess this had to be the best weekend ever since I’m back from Sydney. I began to wonder, how often can we have this kind of gathering? Anyway, we washed up and left the place for vivo at around 5+ to do some grocery shopping. Have been to vivo a few times but I still can’t get my bearings right. Met up with Gilbert, Miko, Dave, Edina and Zhida as Alex treated us all to dinner at Bosses. They serve some great food there, at a high price too. The dinner was pretty long as the dishes came out quite slowly, by the time we finish it’s 9+ already. Mom and Dad came to pick me up as they were here to deliver laksa for all of us. Gave them a tour of the cove house and haha I think they were quite amazed. Told them I will work hard for a big house and a good life though.
Mark, Liying and Weiqi arrived soon, and joined the rest in the karaoke session. Time flies when we are having fun. In a blink of an eye it was 4am already. The rest except dan alex sw mark and me turned in. We went to the Jacuzzi to chill and talk, with wine of coz haha. We chatted till about 6am when all decided it’s time to sleep. I only slept at 7 coz still have to wait for my hair to dry -_-. Didn’t really feel like sleeping though, I don’t want such a perfect day to end so quickly…
Was still in my sleep when I heard Alex and Shiwei trying to prevent Daniel from leaving the house. Apparently Daniel had to go school for some stuff and the duo were against him doing so. They failed anyway and came to wake me up shortly after that. It was 11+ in the morning and damn it felt so good. Sleeping in a queen size bed, having the sea just in front of you when you wake up. That is life. It has been a very long time since I last felt so relaxed.
When we went down to the living room, we were quite surprised to see the place clean and tidy, only to know that Alex’s maids were here to clean up in the morning. It was then Alex’s mom showed us the karaoke system in the living room, which left Shiwei and I awestruck. It’s just like KBOX CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Ok I know some people may have it or may have known that it existed but to us, it was like WTF KBOX IN THE HOUSE??? And guess what? It costs only S$400 for the system. It contains tens of thousands of songs and you can upload more into the system itself. Shiwei and I already have thoughts of buying it, hopefully Alex ‘s family can help us buy!
Feeling a little hungry, we went to One Degree 15 in Sentosa Cove. According to Alex this is a private club, and he treated us to Dim Sum at Imperial Treasure. The place really has a class of its own. Just by looking at the cars in the car park, one would know that only the rich patronizes this place. I happened to see my favourite car, the Ferrari 599 GTB. Funny thing is that bert and dave said this place required a proper dress code. However earlier on Alex’s mom insisted that we can go in slippers and shorts. Trusting auntie’s words, we all went in shorts and slippers. Voila! Myth busted. Imperial treasure do not have any dress code lol! Piak Piak slippers rules. I had to give credit to the toilets in One Degree 15 as well, very nice toilets they have, certainly comparable to hotel standards.
Went back to cove and we tried out the karaoke system again. Damn it’s freaking addictive I must say. Daniel came back soon after and we decided to do a little swimming. The four of us took Daniel’s car and went to another house of Alex’s, located on Coral Island, which was his 21st birthday present btw. -_-. Quite expensive present I thought. I don’t even have any present from my parents for my 21st. =( The house doesn’t have any furniture in it yet, but we took a dip in the infiniti pool nonetheless. Although this house does not have a sea view, it has a berth for those who owns yachts, jet skis etc. My god….this is really a playground for the rich, the freaking rich I reckon. Felt a lil off when they asked again if she’s coming. Didn’t want to really think about that but I guess they were concerned. Sorry if I looked pissed or something.

Waking up

Monday, February 11, 2008
Finally it’s Friday again. Went to work with much enthusiasm, knowing that it’s the last working day of the week Time seem to pass fairly quickly today. Come 1730 hours it’s time to knock off, and I left for Orchard to shop for Helene’s present. Afterwhich, met up with Yusheng and we went to his house to pick up his car, heading to Helene’s place shortly after that. It was a nice house, not the typical type of landed property as it was built on a slope rather than on a level ground. There was plenty of food, and got the chance to catch up with Levina, Jonathan and Vanessa. Levina seemed to have slim down a lot, damn I need to do the same too! Kind Yusheng offered me a ride back before sending his gf back. Having a car is so convenient. =(
Was using msn when the marist cousins jio-ed me over to sentosa cove to join them. Was rather reluctant at first coz it was late and the only way there is by cab. But I thought I should treasure and use my time in Singapore to its fullest. Almost immediately I started packing my stuff to last me for the weekend, and took a cab down to sentosa cove which cost a hefty $30+…Daniel was damn kind to pay for my cab fee, thanks bro! Finally got to meet up again with Shiwei (who was out of sg for almost a month of holidays) and Alex (came back from Ireland for a week of holiday). Damn it just feels good seeing your closest clique of friends. A solid place like sentosa cove only made things better.
We played mahjong (facing the sea fyi lol), had red wine (damn bloody good red wine) and chit chatted away. We felt a little hungry later but couldn’t drive out to eat coz of the alcohol. So we decided to have cup noodles, with something extra. Ah Yat abalone. LOL. According to Alex, one can cost around 1200HKD, which is around S$240. It is not sold in Singapore, and had to be bought from HK through the Ah Yat restaurant I think. There were 8 abalones in one can, so each of us ate 2! Muahahaha. Chit-chatted till about 5+am when all decided to hit the sack. Each of us was given a room by Alex and I will let the pictures do the talking.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Eat at home day.. finally. Haven’t eaten at home since last Wednesday. Guess I could use some rest given that I’m having like a maximum of 5 hours of sleep every night. Was lazing in front of the computer when I thought I should exercise, coz the rest of the week I doubt I will have time for it.
Decided to go for a swim, and swam for around 35 minutes. While swimming I realize one cant really feel the fatigue until you stop and start to breathe normally. Felt quite shagged after I stopped and took a rest. It’s nice swimming at night, love it totally. You have the whole pool to yourself, with no silly kids diving in from all corners of it. Went to try out the new steam bath and damn it felt like a big cooking pot trying to steam a live chicken. Do all steam baths feel that hot? I checked but it was only 46 degrees if I’m not wrong. But it was so hot that my skin turned red. There was this fellow who came in after me and was obviously stunned by the heat. After which I decided to use the Jacuzzi outside which was again too hot I felt. Zzz…Nevermind, had a great work out anyway. Time well spent!
Dozing off seems to be part of my work now. I had almost nothing to do for the whole day, had to pretend that I’m doing work on excel -_-. Met up with uni friends after work (Yusheng, Kai Chung, Teddy, Ian, Novi, Lydia). Bah only Yusheng and Kai Chung were early, Ian was late coz of work so it’s understandable. The indos say they were following indo time -_- lol. Anway we went to NYDC for dinner and I realize their portion seemed to have decreased even though the price went the opposite way. Donna joined us for a while and she gave me my belated birthday gift. A white long sleeve shirt with plain designs from zara. Perfect fit, and it’s very nice I think. Thanks Donna!
Yusheng and friend went to join his friends for supper, and the rest of us decided to catch a movie at Lido. Novi left quite suddenly coz I think her dad called to check on her. Haha poor gal. We were pondering between the movie ‘The House’, which is a horror thai movie and ‘Rambo 4’. Due to Kc’s fear of horror shows (muahahahaahaaa), we decided to catch Rambo 4. It’s not that bad, but not that good either. Lotsa body-being-smashed-up scenes, quite mild if you compare it to hostel. Stallone should really take a break. Who knows he may come up with Rambo 5, or Rocky returns in 10 years time.
Monday blues omg….so freaking bored at work that I fail to keep myself awake. I wonder if any colleagues see me dozing off. I’m quite sure a few of them saw. Anyway, met up with Marcus and Terrence for Kbox dinner buffet, from 6-10pm. The food wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that good either. But it’s $28, with 4 hours of singing so still not that bad la I thought. Everyone was singing their feelings out in one way or another I thought. The DTM brothers are all singles now. Quite a rare sight considering Marcus’ almost ‘always in a relationship’ status.
Another stay home day for me. Slept and slacked pretty much the morning and afternoon away, come evening time had it was preparation for Khloe’s birthday party. It was held at the function room and one of the bbq pits. I was like BBQ I/C of the day, set up the fire and pretty much cooked everything with the help of my bro. That’s pretty much my weekend, even closer to Sydney now. Sighz…