28/6: Healthy day overall. Had golf in the afternoon with mom and relatives. Really glad that mom is picking up tennis as a hobby/sport. :) Her swing is pretty good too. Finally she is taking some time off to do something other than work. Looking forward to the day when all she does is golfing and high tea sessions. Had tennis with bro, his friend and our fellow neighbour Matthew at night. Having not touched the racquet for almost a year I think, easily made me the lousiest player on court. More practice is needed Federer!!! LOL~

30/6: Went down to Silver Strip with Ivan and Lyn, and Lyn's professional advice proved to be really helpful, thanks! Had dinner with the marist lads at this bak kut teh stall near clarke quay mrt. The food is pretty decent but the price is unexpectedly high. Wouldn't pay so much for bak kut teh I guess. We had drinks and finger food over at Brewerkz @ clarke quay, and as usual, hanging out with the marist brothers was fun and enjoyable.

1/7: Had lunch with Kc and our new house mate Kaimin at Tampines One's Kim Gary HK cafe. Food was below average though, a tad disppointing given its high reviews. Later on, I went down to Silver Strip tailor again with Ivan and Yu Sheng, and after much deliberation we finally decided on our cloth design and the cutting for the suit and pants. All identical to that of Ivan's! Haha. Went to Zouk later that night with Amer. Ivan and Yusheng called to inform that results for International Banking was out. Didn't want to check it lest it spoils the night. Failed the temperature check at Zouk but passed it after I went to take a cold drink and cool down after a long and hot walk. After getting our stamps we decided to chill at the maccas in Great World City before hitting Zouk again when it's crowded. There I lost to the temptation of checking the results, and luckily, ti gong was overlooking me as usual as I barely managed to secure a distinction average for the module. That certainly helped to set the mood for the night as liquor, sexy babes and loud music took me to Utopia.

2/7: Amer stayed over at my place, a norm if we club together. We had our virgin experience @ Fish n Co express in Downtown East. It's sorta the fast food version of Fish n Co. Burger's quite delicious, drinks can't be any different, but the fries suck big time. Evening time came and I made my way to Levina's house for poker and dinner. It was fun and laughter as we played and gobbled hungrily all the various hawker food. Note the hilarious picture of Ivan. As mischievious as a monkey

3/7: Helped out at the stall as mom and dad needs to attend to the catering order far out at Tuas. Turned out to be a rather busy matter as queues were forming (think they are curious as to what am I doing at the stall) and luckily I managed to do everything smoothly and calmly. Business has been rather slow recently. Maybe partly is attributed to the H1N1 scare that's every present now. At night was a ktv session with bro, Amer, Raine and Ivan over at Joms in Toa Payoh. It's pretty cheap at $10 for 3 hours with free frow of, I mean free flow of drinks. Pretty updated songs too. We proceeded to supper (I promise no supper in Sydney!) at the prata house along Thomson road. The prata bomb was disappointing, but the constant catwalk of really pretty girls made up for it!
More updates coming soon. In the midst of applying for internships and graduate training programs too. Going back to Sydney real soon. What a short holiday, arghz~
My God! How the hell do you keep track of the exact dates for each event? Consider deleting the indavao comment before friends fall into his trap.
thanks for the heads up.
oh i have an organiser ma. need to plan my appointments cos i always get them mixed up! haha~
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