Exams finally ended on the 20th of June, Friday 4pm. It was the law paper, which was the paper I'm least prepared for. I remember Yu Sheng and I were stressed to the point where our face turned green I think lol. Throughout the whole exam period I couldn't sleep well, sleep's always interrupted by the stupid alarm I have to set from preventing myself from sleeping too much. Couldn't msn, facebook etc etc. It felt really great when the invigilator said "pens down". I was like "FUCKING FINALLY"... The law paper wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Only problem was the same as the rest of the papers - not enough time. Anyway, ys and I headed to paddys to get our macadamias and met kc there too. Had our dinner at the usual kickass chinese zi-char store and headed to woolies, after which we headed home as we are dead beat.
21st June -0230
I planned not to sleep as I was afraid of oversleeping and missing the cab I booked, but I dozed off on the bed at 0230 nonetheless, waking up at 0430 in a state of shock as the cab will be arriving at 5am.....and my luggage was half packed. Rushed like mad but the cab driver was kind enough to wait a while for me. Nice indo guy. I ended up in the airport at around 520 am and after checking in, realised I had like 2hrs+ to spare before the plane takes off at 8am. It's my first time taking a plane alone, and the experience was reallllllllllllly good. I just enjoyed it alot I don't know why. Maybe because it was the end of exams+going back home. Wandering around the airport alone, having breakfast at macs alone, viewing the planes taking off etc etc...
Me, 36H, aisle seat. 36J, maggie q look alike lady. HOHO! Through out the flight can't help but threw glances at her via her reflection on 36I's monitor screen. Lost count how many glances we threw at each other la. LOL damn interesting. Caught 3 movies on the flight, step up 2, 江山美人 and I am Legend. Food was kinda disappointing, both the breakfast and lunch was quite boring. Finally reached sg at around 2+ and voila! HOME SWEET HOME =))))))))))))))))))))))

i never liked bringing krispy kremes back to sg!! the glaze melts, the dough hardens....ew!
and why didnt u ask her for her number, silly! maggie q is gone forever now.
The glaze can reform when you put them in the fridge! Haha. It still tastes great la =)
I don't dare to ask for her number lor! I am shy. muahahahhaha...and yes she is gone forever =/
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