Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hokays updates for thursday. We had lunch at Doncaster hotel. $10 for a steak/chicken with free flow salad bar. Not too bad a deal. After lunch ivan and jianlong came to our place for...revision! Yea we studied (yea i know sounds boring) and damn ivan's attitude towards studies is like out of the world. Someone who actually enjoys studying. I'm like studying, for the sake of getting a decent job. Studying never came across to me as something enjoyable.

Anyways, we went down to the park near our place for some frisbee action. It was fun, except for a fucking racist old man who tried to chase us away from the playground (obviously he failed terribly). Fucking old racist, get a life and go read some newspapers or something you ass. It was a simple dinner later on, but I felt a little sore in my throat. Feel like gonna pua4 beh3 soon. Another day of the break over, but one day closer to home too. =)

Yep gonna bbq that piece of meat all by yourself
Freaking heavy pair of tongs I tell you
Nice steak =p reminds me of ribeye, someone's favourite. =/

My knee hurt quite a bit after this acrobatic dive. I wonder what got into my mind to do this dangerous dive. -_- Oh yea now I'm feeling feverish and throat is more sore than ever. Head is quite heavy and I'm feeling damn nua.

P.S. Just saw xiaxue's post on langkawi. Damn...make me more gian then ever to go to a beach resort. So many places I want to go. Taipei will be top of the list, but doubt I have any chance to visit there in the near future. July's europe, end of year may be hongkong with family hopefully. Maybe can squeeze in another thailand trip or beach retreat with my friends. Keeping fingers crossed.

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