Hahaha, her new pic quite nice. And she's still as bitchy as ever. Kudos to that.
Not in the pink of health lately, fell sick twice in the period of a month. Still have lotsa pleghm in my throat. And past few days keep having this irritating recurring headache. I wonder if it's my wisdom tooth that is causing all this unnecessary pain.
Past saturday was shiwei's birthday celebration. Another havoc tonning day for the marists, but couldn't really have fun due to my throbbing headache..fck it. Well the bbq was good as usual, the hotdogs were huge, at least 9 inch long. Haha. Crayfish was still the best I thought. Hope that another tonning will be organised soon. I will also post some of the pictures taken during the birthday celebration.
Talking about birthday celebrations, my birthday is kinda coming le. Next month. So people, it's time to save up and buy me a nice gift alright? Hahahaha. Dunno if I should hold a birthday celebration or not. Haven't had a decent birthday party like in years? Or rather don't really have the right location to hold one. House too small, bbq pit downstairs not so bad, but has a curfew...have to close shop at 11pm. Too early le I think. Time to move to a private house. Eat air type.
2005 group foto
bert, me, shiwei
shiwei, zhenhao, zhida, mark, bert....and christiano ronaldo<------
mahjong gang~
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