Year 2010: The start of a new decade and the start of working life...Time really flies. I was just looking at my "2009 New year resolution" post that's dated almost a year ago. The countdown this year was a lot quieter, the marists did not gather at daniel's place, some couldn't make it thus it was decided that we hold the gathering on the coming Saturday instead. As the clock ticks towards 0000 hrs, I was in the company of my parents, as well as my girlfriend (over the phone). 2009 was quite a wonderful year I thought...
Family2009 marks a year of great health for my family, and I certainly hope it stays the same. Parents' business is fine, though at a much smaller scale now, it also meant that my parents need not work as hard as before. Bro quit his job at JPMorgan and left for Sydney to fulfil his PR requirements, as well as to get international job experience. Many relatives from my dad's side voiced disapproval of my bro's decision, citing several reasons, most of which were rather ridiculous, such as "why are you leaving your parents behind", "you can't get a good job there" etc...I wish they could be less 'conventional' in their mindset. I applaud my bro for his courage to quit a stable job and venture overseas, this is a risk not many people would dare to take. Would you?

As a result of his departure to Sydney, my parents have been under immense pressure from the relatives (For eg. "you shouldn't allow your son to go overseas to work" kinda meaningless statements), but they never once stop supporting my bro. They respect and trust my bro's decision, kudos to them.

2009 marks the 10th year of my bachelorhood, and also ended the 10 year curse as well. I've been blessed to meet a person like her. She has many good qualities that many girls now, sad to say, do not possess. I daresay, she definitely makes a good wife. It was really fate that I got to know her, as she was an exchange student and do not have any tutorials with me, just a single similar lecture. I really treasured the limited time we had in Sydney, as we grew as a couple, knew and understand each other more. I knew the path ahead would be shrouded in uncertainty and filled with obstacles. I never once gave up, and I will keep my faith and continue to put in my best for this relationship. Why? Cos I love her.
I've always mentioned this, I'm blessed to have many good friends around me. They are always there when you need them. I wonder what will happen to me if I do not have these wonderful friends.The marists have been awesome. We must have known each other for more than 10 years at least. Gatherings had always strengthened the bond between us. All the advices and concern from them really made me a stronger person.

Thanks bros. Mark and Zhenhao had officially left the education route and joined the cruel workforce, with me following closely behind sadly. Most of the rest are on course to finish their studies by the mid of 2010. By 2011, everyone would be done with university, hopefully Grad Trip Japan would be a reality then. Really look forward to it.
Marcus and Terrence, my jc buddies, have been doing well in 2009 as well. Both are happily attached, and are also busy with their businesses. Haven't met up with Terrence ever since I'm back, I think he's too busy with work and uni. Have been meeting up alot with Marcus, who's always there to offer me advice on almost anything. Thanks buddy, and work hard together bros.

Uni mates. Yusheng had finally graduated from uni. I must have been really lucky and blessed to have him as my room mate. He got a job soon after graduation, and I'm sure he will soar and excel in his career. Ivan is as usual, the smart fella that gives me peer pressure making sure I mug as hard as him, making sure we are sure in our career decisions and the path that we want to take in the near future. Kc's the playful fella that's always influencing me to play, which isn't really a bad thing as I clearly didn't have a fine balance between work and play in uni. Though we had many disagreements pertaining to living habits, he's still a great mate. Without them, and many other great uni friends, the 3 years of my uni life would be dull and monotonous.

UniversityI highly suspect that my grades actually followed the stock market. In 2007 my grades were sky high, just like the mortgage market in the U.S. In 2008 it plummeted together with the sub-prime crisis and in 2009 it recovered alongside the improving global economy. 2009 also marks the end of uni life for me. It's ironic how I wanted uni life to end asap so I could start working and earn my first million, which clearly isn't what I feel like now. It sad knowing that I am not a student anymore. I wish I am one still, with studies as the only responsibility on hand. It's time to go out into the workforce and earn my first pot of gold, taking care of my parents as well as saving up for my future family and business.

HolidaysThanks to Yongrui aka Alex, I get to visit Europe again, this time with the company of Zhida as well. Europe is always fun, and this trip was far more relaxed and slow paced compared to the eurotrip we had in 2008. Places visited include London, Barcelona, Luxembourg, Lisbon and Porto. Mid sem break of sem 2 saw the black lions with the capella couple joining forces and visiting Gold Coast together. Needless to say, the holiday was fantastic. Finally got to visit Taiwan in December with my family and relatives. The 7 days tour was simply a blast, as I enjoyed almost every single minute of it. I have to go back there soon. 2009 also saw me visiting Perth not once but twice. I enjoyed, and most importantly treasured every single moment I had in Perth. I think I'm pretty familiar with Perth now haha, but I still look forward to going back. I hope I can go back soon asap.

Year 2010Let's check if I met the resolutions I set for 2009.
1) Get my grades back on the Distinction track -
Failed2) Exercise to lose weight and keep fit -
Incomplete, I did exercise and lost weight, but more could be done3) Save more money/earn money -
Failed4) Visit more countries (Taiwan, Thailand, Bali, Japan???)
Accomplished5) Brush up on musical instruments -
Accomplished6) Get a girlfriend? (Considered a resolution? LOL)
- AccomplishedHere are the resolutions for year 2010:
1) Work hard for my family and girlfriend
2) Brush up on golf
3) Save up money for future family and business
4) Visit more countries
5) Exercise to lose weight and keep fit
The resolutions above sure do look challenging. I shall not give up and I will persevere till the very end. Tough road ahead for career and relationship, but nothing comes easy, especially things that you treasure alot. You want a good career? You work hard and stay focused. You want a lasting relationship? You keep faith and stay determined. Aza aza fighting Damian, chin up and face 2010 with confidence.
2010, bring it on.