Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aloha! Been such a long time since I last blogged. I just kept delaying and delaying. Just couldn't find the spare time to really sit down and do a proper blog post. Reason why I'm doing it now is because the worse is over for this semester I guess. Yes! The applied corporate finance project, which happens to be an extremely tough one for my team, is finally over. It was almost 2 weeks of daily intensive meetings that stretches till the wee hours. Meal times were always delayed, there wasn't enough sleep and my mind seemed to be cracking under the immense pressure. After the presentation on Thursday morning, my team and I can't help but feel relieved.

Besides being busy with projects, job applications have been of top priority too. Applications to various banks commenced in early September, as I scrambled to juggle them together with my project right after the awesome mid sem trip to Gold Coast. With the project done and job applications coming to an end, it seems like a good time to relax a little and catch up with whatever work I've lost touch with, especially management.

Week 11 is almost here, and it's actually the last 3 weeks of my student life (assuming no more studies thereafter). Come to think of it, I've been studying for 15 years since Primary 1. Now, everything seems to be coming to an end. It's a little bit scary though. People like to complain about studying, and how mugging for exams suck. The truth is, working out there sucks even more. Having done numerous part-time jobs in the past, I know that working life is a chore. The only incentive is the salary that you draw from your job, perhaps satisfaction for those working in industries they are interested in. Being a student has so many advantages. I believe there's an exhaustive list, but the four listed below are the main ones I guess. Strike the whole list off when you start working HAHA!
  1. Sleep all you want
  2. Slack all you want
  3. Play all you want
  4. Long holidays
I've always wished to end student life and finish university in Sydney asap, but now, I wish I have another year to go. Ironic? Yes I think so.