Pretty much played catching up with my friends during the past week or so. Lets start from last Monday. Had dinner with uni friends at far east chicken rice, and we headed to party world at Shaw Center for a ktv session. Damn Ivan's gf Lynn can sing really well. This couple is a erm...singing couple I guess. After ktv we went to newton circus to gorge ourselves for supper. Better to gorge now then regret not having enough before heading back to sydney.
Woke up quite early on Tuesday to accompany ms j and xy for their friends' convo at NTU. Although NTU is FREAKING far, but I don't mind coz they are my GOOD friends. MUAHAHAHA!! Anyway, it was NTU's business convo, so I saw quite a few pretty chicks. Not a wasted trip I guess lol. Afterwhich we headed to paragon's sushi tei (my favourite) and had a fulfilling lunch, when m joined us. Caught The Dark Knight at The Cathay at only 6 bucks, cheap cheap cheap. Terr joined after the movie for dinner at glasshouse's Fish n Co. Portion's smaller, doesn't really seem to justify the price tag, should be avoiding this place in the near future.

Friday, met up with kenneth and sara at Lau Pa Sat for lunch. They were my army buddies back then. Time flies man. Great catching up with them, so much nonsense between us all. Too bad its a rather short lunch appointment, further dampened (literally) by the heavy rain. Went back to White Sands to get my eyes checked, ordered contacts and also made a new pair of specs (old one broke-_-). I decided to get a pair of odd shaped specs, the Rayban Wayfarer black frame. Quite sian of the traditional rectangular shaped specs so I thought I try something new lol.
Had to work on Saturday in the clinic, omg can't believe I'm working -_-'''. It was easy money coz uncle wasn't around and it was a locum doctor, so it was half the usual crowd. At night family went to ah ma's house for steamboat/bbq. Ah ma seems alright, but I'm quite sure deep down she's not. Ah gong's presence was deeply missed, and will always be.
Sunday was tennis with mark, bert and my bro. Rest of the m10mg couldn't make it. Can't recall when's the last time I played, and my hand and arm is still aching as of now. Freaking weak. It was a good workout though, getting all the evil sweat and fats out of the buldging body. Had dinner at the vegetarian zhi char at AMK (best vegetarian stall in sg) with Aunt Michelle, Khloe, Jacob and my parents. Damn nice la, the food there is the best!
Later into the night, m and terr came over to bunk and play wii. They seem fascinated by the wii LOL. We enjoyed playing la, and it was like 3+am before we decided to head to simpang for our supper. TO OUR HORROR IT WAS CLOSING IT WAS LIKE OMFG HOW CAN THEY CLOSE SO EARLY??????????????????????????
-_-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' My craving for PRATA BOMB literally JIBABOOOOOOOOOOOM! No prata or pattaya for the night. Fucking sad. m suggested we head to geylang for some dim sum. It's the one facing a row of durian stalls, food is not that bad but it's freaking expensive. Hmm may not head there again I think. Played abit of ps2 and wii again before all slept at around 8am. Woke up at 1am and went to E-hub for lunch at Mr chicken rice. Afterwhich I tried setting up the ktv system but gave up due to the confusing wires and connections that were apparently missing. Another day for ktv then!
End of my long post. :)