Saturday, December 29, 2007
Well, maybe meantime I will use Wordpress as a place to write my innermost feelings and thoughts, while blogspot will be a brighter, more optimistic place to be in. Wordpress-Hell, Blogspot-Heaven. I hope I don't develop a split personality after this.
As of now, I'm still jobless. There were a couple of jobs available but unfortunately I wasn't shortlisted. Highest pay was $1,700. It just keeps decreasing. $1,500...$1,300...and $7 an hr. Well, my kind Aunt offered me to work full time at the clinic though, at $7 an hr. I calculated, I earn roughly $50 a day, and $30 during weekends. That would be about $1,180 a month. Not too bad I thought. Will consider her offer. By the time I got a job offer from Recruit Express, I might already be on the flight back to Sydney.
December's coming to an end, I hate it. Time in Singapore is getting shorter and shorter. Haven't spent much time with my close friends I thought. You know why. Argh...
Tired...Very tired...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Some posts may be locked. Ask me for the password.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Bro got a job already and will commence next month. It's really good news and hopefully he will be a high flyer so I won't have difficulty in looking for jobs. LOL~ I'm not that lucky though, still yet to receive any job offers. Damn bad...gotta look around other job agencies asap I guess. How I wish I don't need to work, no choice I guess. In life, there are many things that you have no choice in. So what should you do? I don't know actually, try to be optimistic I guess.
This week was rather dull. Except for Monday which I managed to meet up with her for dinner. Worked earlier in the morning, and had lunch with Professor Ding and some of my uni friends at Glass House Fish n Co. After that I was wandering around in town looking for a gift that I can buy for her. Luckily Vanessa was around to accompany me for some time. Bought her a handphone chain from Agnes b. No particular occasion though, but thought that the gift will cheer her up a little from the horrendous work she is experiencing. Bought her mom chocolates from Royce, a belated birthday gift. Hopefully both of them will like their presents.
X'mas is just around the corner. I really wish for something special this year. All I want for christmas....
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Levi look like a big baby. hahaha!
Friday, December 07, 2007
So we left Sydney on the 24th Nov, on board the A380 back to Singapore.

Meal 1: Beef noodles
Meal 2: Mashed potato w lamb
Many have asked how different is the A380 from the usual 747s...Well basically A380 is just bigger, has much more legroom for economy class (which is extremely important for poor pple like me), larger lcd screen and the controller is fitted below the lcd screen instead of in the armrest. That is important too coz you will no longer 'hit' the controller accidentally with ur hips or bums or whatever.
Hmm till now I have only met a few of my marist and jc friends. Spent most of my time accompanying my cousin from Brisbane till I got sick this few days. 1st it was flu that came and left on several occasions, then was the sore throat that luckily did not stay long, and the everlasting dry cough. Been coughing quite badly till I feel like my stomach's gonna pop out.
Only met up with her twice so far. Don't ask me how's things. I don't even know where I am. =/ I'm trying..
Monday, November 19, 2007
ARGH!!! So near yet so far. This is so frustrating...-_-
Friday, November 09, 2007
Finally huh? Yea..finally...I thought to myself. Soon, it will be ByeBye Sydney, HiHi Singapore.
(Will try to post right after my exams. =p)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
22nd Sept '07, Saturday. Kai Chung, Yu Sheng and me went to city together.
We had dinner at this zi char stall in chinatown. It's so nice that I think it's our third or fourth visit there.
We normally order 3 dishes. Cost us around $28-$29.
Satisfied customers. Haha.
After dinner we took a walk to darling harbour to have dessert at Lindt Cafe. It is famous for its chocolate. The macarons there are almost similar to the ones sold in Paragon.
The ambience is just too nice. Great to just chill there, not thinking about school work...
24th September'07, we went to have lunch at Doncaster Hotel. The lunch we had costs us only $10 each. You choose the meat that you want, and you get to bbq it yourself, adding sauce of your liking. There is also a buffet salad bar available though the selection isn't that wide.
Quite cool bbq-ing on such a big surface.
$10 is really worth it as the ambience is rather nice too.
After lunch we went to walk around our estate for the FIRST time. Apparently our estate is something like the Bukit Timah of Singapore. It's the place for the rich (not us of coz as we are only renting the place!), and there's quite a handful of beautiful houses in the estate. Thinking back we really made a good decision in renting this apartment although it's quite far from the school if we choose to walk (25 mins). Will post outings about the other days soon.
PS(Blogging with photos is such a chore for blogspot. Is xanga better?)
Friday, September 21, 2007
CEO's office. Nice eh???
Nicest KTV I've been to.
After KTV we went to this chinese restaurant Adelene recommended. Pictures are shown above. The food is not too bad, just that I think the guys wanted more meat. LOL! The dishes ordered were fish soup, brocoli, some pan fried fish and claypot tofu. NO MEAT!...but the food was quite nice la. After dinner we went home by bus. Sadly...our "Escape from school work day" ended...Time passes so fast when you are trying to relax and enjoy yourself. So unfair! Damn...
Anyway, the 1 week break is finally here. No more walking to school for a whole week. Many of my fellow sg friends have went back to Singapore. I'm sooooooooooooooooo jealous! Hahaha..Bet they are having fun man...I miss my family, my marist brothers, jc buddies etc etc. Damn I want to meet up and just chill with them. My flight back home is on the 28th November. Hopefully when the provisional exam timetable is out, I will find out that my papers end earlier..*Keeping my fingers crossed*..End earlier=back in sg earlier. Wooot! Not harbouring high hopes though, coz our exams start late. Zzzzz.....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Mid semester break is coming soon. And most fellow sg friends are going back to Singapore this week. Really envy them man...can go back to what is called the real home. To be honest, I will want to go back if it's feasible. But it freaking cost S$1.4k to go back for a week! Darn...if only there's budget flight to and fro between Singapore and Sydney, I will definitely fly back then! On the brighter side, after the mid semester break is over, it will be officially the month of October. Which means I'm even closer to the date of departure away from Sydney! (Tentatively flying back on the 28th Nov) However, I think the month of October will be a blardy slow month. It is 4 full weeks of lectures and tutorials, not to mention that the studying rate has to be increased as well. It's gonna be one helll of a month. Can't even imagine the amount of stress I'm gonna face. SHIT!
Anyway, Yusheng and I had a "No Study" day last friday after my mid sems. Pretty rare to not touch the book at all for a whole day. We went to the fish market with fellow housemate Kai Chung and Levina, Donna, Sarah and Trish. As usual I have to order the Fisherman's basket which contains really nice calamari, fish fillets and fries.
Was stuck at the fish market for quite a while as it was pouring like mad. After that we walked to Darling Harbour to the famous Lindt (duno how to spell) cafe. Bought some macarons (duno how to spell again) before heading to Vanessa's place to meet her and adelene for ktv.
Macarons...damn good..ok I realise there are too many pictures to be posted. Will continue them in the next post. Tada~
Friday, September 07, 2007
This is the speaker aka PA system
Nothing much this few days. Still the same old school, household chores, study, foxtel, internet and sleep. Mid-sem's around the corner, but I'm not stepping up my pace for revision. Weird isn't it? Just feel like I'm lacking the ammunition or something. Hopefully I find back my pace soon. Tada~
Monday, September 03, 2007
Friend's parents came over to Sydney and decided to give my housemates and I a treat, supposedly because we took good care of this particular friend. Haha, it was really nice and generous of them because they treated us to this really nice seafood restaurant called "Jordons Seafood Restaurant" at Darling Harbour. The food was really woah, spectacular. The seafood platter for 2 costs A$120+...go figure. Hahahahaha. I will post some pics up later. After that, we went for ice cream at gelatissimo. OMG what a sinful day it was, but it was kinda a great retreat for me.
September is here, and will be over soon in a blink of an eye, due to all the time spend on preparation for mid-sems. The date of departure to Singapore is closer and closer. Soon, I will be stepping on home soil again. Yea!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hopefully I will blog more often. Uni is really hectic and I've been more and more unproductive in my work. True enough that I rarely go out, but thats not because I want to revise that much, but more of me wanting to save that bit of money. Every single cent is hard to earn, and I'm pretty sure that I'm doing a good job in not spending my parents' hard earned money away unnecessarily.
Another marist got attached recently. I really feel happy for him as he's my brother for almost 16 years I believe. His first girlfriend I reckon. Another one got attached too a couple of months back. Also, the first girlfriend for him. Great job guys. Haha. It leaves me pondering. Why the hell am I single for such a long time? Am I too picky or what? Or simple girls hate me. -Shrugs-
I keep thinking about her. I don't know what this means but I wished I had her company. Close to her at one point of time but due to some incident we drifted. We almost went on a holiday together just before my semester 1 started, but it had to be postponed due to some unforeseen circumstances. Is it fated? I don't really know. Her birthday's coming up real soon, I should buy something nice for her. For her, I don't mind splurging abit. LOL! =)
Gonna be 3 more months left to Singapore. Come on....time..please pass faster will ya?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Young & Dangerous, part 10