Yea man. This coming week is gonna be a damn fun week for me i suppose. Tmr will be work as usual(i expect some serious slacking), tuesday will be cny celebration @ Mt Faber SAFRA, wed-thurs cny, fridae-day off, rocks isnt it? However after this long week it will be back to boring office work again, but hey,heck man? Lets just enjoy this coming week to its fullest first right!
Friday was my bro's bday, as well as my day off, and i met up with ken to shop for new yr clothing, as well as my bro's bday present coz it was his bday. We went to several places, including Zara, in which i bought my long sleeve shirt. Costs me $89.90, abit pricey but its pretty nice i thought. Aniway, ken also bought himself a berm, cant remember what brand, think its polo ba..Ken soon dragged me alongside to this Lee Hwa Jewellery outlet near Centrepoint: His motive was to buy a bracelet for his friend, and to attempt to befriend this cute girl working in it. Later, we met up with Addie and Joel, coz they need to get my bro's bday present too! Hmmm all last minute ar not good, haha. Joel eventually bought a Guess tee for my bro, which i thought wasnt that nice intially..i was wrong. Hee~Joel's bf Weilun joined us later, quite a nice guy i thought, it was my first time meeting him. Soon i finally bought a adidas originals sweater for my bro, and that was after much complicated decision makings and mini-disagreements between me, joel and addie. Erm well actually there wasnt much mini-disagreements between us, just that me and joel thought one sweater was nice, which addie thought doesnt suit my bro, haha. Oh ya..we saw Wong li-lin filming just outside Taka, god she's pretty man. Not to mention that Scotts Shopping Centre is also another place where i suspect chio-bus frequent. 5 secs after stepping into the shopping mall i saw 2 pretty ladies, the standard of pretti-ness is up to the model that kinda standard if you know what im saying~Had some difficulty in picking up my jaw which was literally glued to the ground.
Gotta rush down to pick my mom from bedok, and sped home to set up bbq pit for my bro, luckily jiayi a.k.a Yi-Ge was there early to help out too. I brought back some laksa coz addie craves for it. However she commented that the gravy is not 'thick' enough, whereas joel said the laksa was great, no comments like "laksa gravy not thick enough." *oops i think someone is gonna scream at me soon le!~ Anyway the bbq was quite fun overall, just that there wasnt quite enough food for everyone.
After the bbq, some of bro's frens stayed back to play this fun card game. Quite hard to describe it online, but i think i will introduce this game to my marists bros come this friday's gathering at Sw's house. Will be looking forward to it!
Khloe where are you looking at?
Handphones/Wallets/Accessories Galore. Guess which is mine? No prize for guessing right!(damn sounds so lame)
Bro and his bunch of buddies