had reali tons of fun over the past 4 days.yes whole 4 days.last fridae was my branch's cohesive chalet.as part of the committee,i was allowed to go to the chalet on thurs to prepare the stuff,meaning that im enjoying a four day break from work!well that 2 days of chalet was real fun,on thurs my pals in MES celebrated my bday,as well as ken's bday.of coz,there was sabotage everywhere,but it was fun nonetheless.fridae was the actual day of the chalet.and most of them had real fun from the games we(the committee) planned.it was reali happy coz we saw our efforts paid off.i tink i enojyed the chalet most when its nitetime,coz we would just chill in the cold chalet,and play ps2 games,mahjong,talk cock sing song...etc.so fun that i just couldnt express them in words.damn...feeling damn nostalgic and sad now...*sobz*when can i enjoy such fun again?
my family also celebrated my bday for me on thurs nite,so it was running btn my family and the chalet.actually i lost count of how mani times i ran between the chalet and my house.aniwae,we ate at a grassroots club at AMK.the food there is quite decent,and i ate till quite full.keke.felt the warmth of family once again~
slept rather early on fridae nite.ard 3am like dat,the rest were still playing mahjong i tink.remembered i slpt beside chua,haha,saw him sleeping like a pig!tink he also spent alot of effort on the chalet!must say that chua is a damn responsible adult.he bothers to clean up the chalet even when the whole place is upside down,he bothers to organise stuff and etc..thumbs up for him.i personally like the feeling when i wake up in the morning in the chalet.it feels like ur on a vacation.the cold air,the drowsy feeling,den u proceed to brush ur teeth la.....reali feels like on a hols for me,duno y!haha.i must take this opportunity to thank my other 3 committee members chua,ken and alex for helping to make this chalet so happening and fun!also not to forget my army pals for giving me a hugo boss perfume and deodorant set for my bday.
on sat,i treated my marist brothers to bbq/steamboat at marina south.they gave me a ps2 game gta:san andreas as my bday pressie!thnx alot man,they knew i love gaming.hehe.ate till damn full man at marina south's Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian.but i still prefer Seoul Garden,coz its air-conditioned,it has nicer choices of meat,it has free flow of ice-cream and drinks.aniwae my marists frens surprised me at my home later at nite and bot me a bday cake!quite unforgettable moment for me..*sobz*was reali touched by their efforts to make me happy!thank you all!!!
sunday was rest day for me,and im just chilling out in my house,with my little couzzie Chloe.next thing for me to look forward is jay chou's concert on the 27th.cant wait man.jay rocks!woohoo~